The #1 stretch for cyclists & runners
If you’re a cyclist, you probably know the drill: tight hamstrings, sore hips, and that all-too-familiar lower back stiffness after a long ride. The Supta Padangusthasana series, or reclining hand-to-big-toe pose, can be a real game-changer for you. It’s a fantastic way to gently stretch out the hamstrings and lengthen the back of your legs. By making this part of your regular routine, you’ll find that it improves your flexibility, helps you stay comfortable in your riding posture, and lowers the risk of injury from tight, overused muscles.
One of the biggest benefits of this series for cyclists & runners is the boost it gives to hip mobility. Spending hours doing repetitive motion can lead to all sorts of imbalances and discomfort.
Best workout may be the one you DON’T do…
Rest days are just as important - if not more so - as working out, even if it feels counterintuitive. While the endorphin rush from exercise can feel amazing in the moment, constantly chasing that high without proper recovery can actually backfire in the long term. Overtraining can lead to burnout, fatigue, and even injury, which not only affects your physical health but can also leave you feeling mentally drained.
Roll Your Way to Less Pain & Healthier Feet
Myofascial release for plantar fascia
Why we all need more green in our lives
Mental and physical benefits of more green space in our lives